WGXC-90.7 FM

'Gross Milk at Catskill High School' goes viral
Greg Hudson is reporting in The Daily Mail a video of a carton of what appears to be bad milk at Catskill High School has gone viral, racking up nearly 3.5 million views since it was posted Mon., Nov. 28. The 33-second clip shows a carton of Hood Dairy brand chocolate milk, which had become gloppy and gelatinous, being poured into a lunch tray. As of Thursday, "Gross Milk at Catskill High School" was the fifth-highest trending video on YouTube, with more than 6,600 comments. School officials said the milk was purchased with a school lunch, and when the student began to drink the milk they "discovered that the milk was not a liquid consistency." Officials said of the 400 milks served that day in Catskill no other issues were reported. The remaining cartons from the same batch purchased from Hood were returned to the dairy. Hood Vice President of Communications Lynne Bohan stopped short of saying the video was a fake, but in a statement issued by the company Thursday, company officials referred to internet videos offering how-to tips for creating “milk-slime” similar to the milk shown in the video. To see the video go to the WGXC Newsroom at wgxc [dot] org. Read the full story in The Daily Mail.
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