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Bliss Towers upgrade delayed again
Jeanette Wolfberg reports for the Columbia Paper that upgrading the income-restricted 135-unit Bliss housing complex in Hudson is being further delayed, as members of the Hudson Housing Authority now say that local contractors are overwhelmed with other projects as the pandemic recedes. “There are so many amazing local businesses that are doing construction work, but they’re all so busy,” observed Commissioner Rebecca Borrer. Executive Director Tim Mattice agreed. “To find contractors in Hudson is a challenge,” he said. They have to be scheduled “months in advance.” Also the housing authority has approved the purchase of 50 new refrigerators for apartments via the Clean Energy Communities Program. But “There’s a national shortage of refrigerators,” said Commissioner Marie Balle. Mattice says there is a great demand for housing locally. “We’ve been flooded with new applicants,” he said. “We have a tremendous influx of people coming from NY City with their vouchers. This makes less housing available for other people.” At the group's May 12 meeting, the Board deckided to keep the waiting list for HHA apartments open only to Columbia County residents for a month. Read more about this story in the Columbia Paper.