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Judge reverses decision, allowing polling site to be moved to Bard campus
Oct 25, 2020 6:00 am
MidHudson News is reporting state Supreme Court Justice Maria Rosa ruled October 23, there will be a polling location at Bard College this election day after all, a reversal of her own October 13 ruling. Rosa said the first decision was based on the argument made by a Republican election official that relocating a polling place so close to the election would cause confusion among voters. That position proved to be "simply untrue," Rosa said, when the Dutchess County Board of Elections announced on October 15, that two other voting sites in Red Hook were being moved. In her reversal, the judge wrote, "...Apparently there was, and is, time to move the polling place for District 5 in Red Hook." The ruling means the District 5 polling site will be in the Bertelsmann Campus Center at Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson instead of at the Episcopal Church of St. John the Evangelist on River Road, about 1.5 miles south of the college. The recent rulings arose from a lawsuit filed by the Andrew Goodman Foundation, the student group Election@Bard, student Sadia Saba, Bard President Leon Botstein and Bard Vice President for Student Affairs Erin Cannan. Bard Executive Vice President Jonathan Becker praised the reversal, calling it a victory for youth voters and for the safety of all voters and poll workers in the district. County Republican Commissioner of Elections Erik Haight disagreed, saying "to move a polling place to a closed campus defies common sense." Read the full story in the Daily Freeman.