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DEC to file for extension on fracking rules

Nov 28, 2012 6:04 am
Casey Seiler reports in the Times Union the state Department of Environmental Conservation announced Tues, Nov. 27, it would file for a 90-day extension to finalize its regulatory blueprint for the natural gas drilling technique known as hydrofracking. "The state won't finish the review by the 29th," Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said Tuesday in a session with reporters. The DEC's package is said to be nearly complete. The most recent delay in the process was prompted by DEC Commissioner Joe Martens' September decision to have the state Department of Health review the health impact component of its work. Hydrofracking advocates have pushed for the state to complete its more than four years of work on the technique as soon as possible. Even so, Karen Moreau of the state Petroleum Council called the DEC's decision to seek an extension "a fair and appropriate step." Read the full story in the Times Union.

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