WGXC-90.7 FM
Vital Weekly: Vital Weekly: Chihei Hatakeyama
Sep 17, 2014: 1am - 2am
WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears
90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere
wavefarm.org 1620-AM | Simulcast mid-6 a.m. and Saturdays on WGXC 90.7-FM.
Assembled by Vital Weekly email magazine.
tracklist for Vital Weekly 946:
0000 Tune
0014 Doc Wor Mirran - The I Don't/You Better Believe It Song
0302 God Loves Fags - Akshak
0605 Feel No Other - Gunslinger
0915 Luciano Maggiore & Enrico Malatesta
1141 Heartsnatcher - Auditionee++
1442 Rowe & Monteiro & Belorukov & Liedwart
1749 Refund - Lv
2056 Last Dominion Lost - Chod Ritual
2403 Gatherer - War Witch
2710 Chihei Hatakeyama
3018 Kleistwahr
3328 David B. Greenberg - Messed-up Mists
3618 Tune