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Ulster County Legislature approves budget

Dec 05, 2019 12:19 am
Patricia R. Doxsey reports in the Daily Freeman that on Dec. 4 Ulster County legislators unanimously passed a 2020 budget that slightly increases spending and slightly reduces property taxes. New County Executive Pat Ryan proposed most of the $342.28 million budget, but legislators added amendments such as $10,000 for the People's Place food insecurity programs and $15,000 for out-of-county firefighter training for volunteer firefighters. Legislator amendments also reinstated a confidential secretary in the Comptroller's Office, and increased the salary and hours of the director of internal audit and control in the Comptroller's Office. "The budget I laid out aligned with every single thing I heard at the 20-plus town hall meetings I held across the county," Ryan said. When he receives the approved budget, he has five days to sign it or veto changes made by legislators. Read more about this story in the Daily Freeman.