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Occupy Delhi protest video

Oct 31, 2011 12:14 am

#Occupy Delhi NY - October 29, 2011 from VeccVideography on Vimeo.

Lissa Harris from The Watershed Post links to this video from filmmaker Jessica Vecchione about the Occupy Delhi Sat., Oct. 29 protest at Courthouse Square in Delhi in Delaware County.
"Around the 1:45 mark, Andes resident Bill Piervincenzi explains why he's occupying Delhi: 'Students who can't pay their loans, veterans who can't get a job, homeowners who are losing the value of their homes, the callousness of people making policy, corruption because of money in the election process. There's just so many things, and maybe the cumulative effect of all of them is what's making me stand here today in the cold.'"
Read the full story in The Watershed Post.