WGXC-90.7 FM
Trance-Formational Listening: East African Ritual Music
90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere
Hosted by Dennis Darrah.
Music from around the world is featured. Bringing the audience into the realm of other cultures through music, hopefully expanding empathy for the “other,” and recognizing that “other” in ourselves. From WGDR, Goddard College Plainfield, VT. wgdr.org/.
This week we turn to sub-saharan East Africa and sample four compilation recordings of tribal music that pre-date the European Colonial division of Africa into separate nation states.
Label: Fonti Musicali
Album: "Burundi Music"
1) Ari hehe
2) Uraberewe Liberi
3) Horere dawe
4) Raba izo ntama
5) Ndege irahinda
Label: Ocora
Album: "Burundi-Musiques Traditionnelles"
6) Chant et arc musical
7) Salutation de Akazh
8) Chant d'enfant accompagne d'un arc musical umuduri
9) Complainte avec viele monocorde
10) Suite de cithare inanga avec voix chuhotee
Label: Nonesuch
Album: "East Africa (Witchcraft & Ritual Music)"
11) Coconut Picker's Song (Lamu, Kenya)
12) Akamba Witch Doctor (Kenya)
13) Lukuji (Kenya)
14) Nyatiti (Kenya)
Album: "East Africa (Ceremonial & Folk Music)"
15) Enanga (Uganda)
16) Wagogo Soothing Song (Tanzania)
17) Wagogo Marimba (Tanzania)
18) Aluar Horns (Zaire Border, Uganda)