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Chatham cuts off seniors group until they sign on dotted line
Aug 17, 2017 12:05 am
Emilia Teasdale reports in The Columbia Paper that the Town of Chatham is withholding their usual $2,000 to the Chatham/Ghent Area Seniors until the group signs a contract. The group has annually used the funds for monthly bus trips, and the kerfuffle is over who is responsible if something goes wrong. Bootie Fenoff, the president of the seniors group said she will not sign an agreement that makes her board members personally liable. “You shouldn’t have to lose your life savings,” she said August 2. The group has an insurance policy with MetzWood Harder. Chatham Town Supervisor Maria Lull insists the group sign a contract. “The purpose of the agreement drafted by the town attorney is to protect the town and its taxpayers from liability which might result from an accident when the seniors are on a field trip. The signing of an agreement is a New York State legal requirement that the town has to comply with, as we have done with all other organizations. The town is very happy to support these valuable senior field trips and we look forward to signing an agreement to dispense the $2,000 to help underwrite them.” Read the full story in The Columbia Paper.