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Bartlett blocking some changes from Police Reform Implementation Committee
Jeanette Wolfberg reports in the Columbia Paper about those reports about possible police reforms that all municipalities had to submit to Governor Andrew Cuomo's office earlier this year. Cuomo has not gotten back to the towns and villages with police departments with approval for the changes, but Columbia County is marching ahead anyway with its Police Reform Implementation Committee. And even though Committee Co-Chair Tistrya Houghtling said of Columbia County Sheriff David Bartlett, “We can’t force him” to implement the changes. Houghtling from New Lebanon and Robert Beaury from Germantown are the two supervisors on the implementation committee with Bartlett; Gary Graziano, a retired Hudson Police commissioner; David Hall of Ancram; and William Hughes, a former supervisor from Hudson. Bartlett is not agreeing to all the proposed changes. For instance, one recommendation would increase the number of seconds the video/audio captures before the officer presses the “record” button from 30 to 120. But the sheriff disagrees and says he will only consider 60 seconds. Read more about this story in the Columbia Paper.