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Catskill updates transgender procedures

Sep 03, 2015 5:43 am
Jim Planck is reporting in The Daily Mail the Catskill Central School District has updated its transgender protocol to comply with federal and state regulations. Catskill Board of Education President Andrew Jones said Wed., Sept. 2, the district acted to comply with a provision contained within a Title IX guidance document issued in April 2014, to address sex discrimination. The sex discrimination prohibition extends to claims of bias based on gender identity or "failure to conform to stereotypical notions of masculinity or femininity...." Catskill Superintendent Dr. Kathleen Farrell said district staff was contacted and provided an overview of the amended protocol on August 5. Farrell said under the protocol, “[If] a student who is biologically female states that he is of the male gender, he must be given access to the male gender lavatory and locker room, potentially to male sports teams, and must be referred to with the appropriate male name selected and male pronoun.” The compliance piece of the update also included the physical restructuring of some school facilities, which has already been accomplished, Farrell said. The superintendent said staff training on the amended procedures is ongoing, and that a series of small, round-table discussions for parents, students and community members will be held. Read the full story in The Daily Mail.