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Legislators table C-GCC capital project resolution

Jul 07, 2017 7:15 am

Daniel Zuckerman is reporting for Columbia-Greene Media a resolution that would have authorized the issuance of $4.5 million in serial bonds to fund capital improvements at Columbia-Greene Community College was tabled by a committee of the Greene County Legislature, Wed., Jul. 5. Greene County Administrator Shaun Groden said the proposal will be discussed again by the County Resources Committee at its August meeting. “I didn’t anticipate it being approved,” Groden said. “You can’t say it was defeated last night at all.” The college is looking to replace the roof on the main academic building and to install a new heating, ventilation and air conditioning system. Half of the project funding will come from the state; the remaining 50 percent would be split by Greene and Columbia counties, Groden said. The total cost of the project is $18 million. A unanimous vote by each county is required for the project to go forward. College president Jim Campion agreed with the lawmakers' decision to table the resolution for now, and is encouraging them to ask more questions. Campion said he will attend the committee's August meeting. Read the full story at HudsonValley360 [dot] com.