Melanie Lekocevic is reporting in The Daily Mail after months of meetings, several revisions and two public hearings, the Coxsackie Town Council has now passed a law regulating wedding and other commercial event venues within the town. The wedding venue industry is growing in Greene County, and in Coxsackie in particular. The year-long process began when several local homeowners filed complaints against a pair of nearby wedding venues over issues with noise and loud music. The law, as passed, does not restrict the length of a wedding or event, or the number of guests. It does restrict the playing of amplified music to between the hours of noon and 10 p.m. An event fee of $200 will be charged, and used to offset costs, such as code enforcement and emergency services. Town Councilman Patrick Kennedy said he was glad the issue of wedding venue regulation has been dealt with and, he hoped, put to bed. “I am glad we finally passed this so we can move on to other town business,” he said.
Read the full story in The Daily Mail.