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Greene County officials claim latest broadband grant will bring internet to every address that has electricity

Feb 27, 2023 1:03 pm

Liz Montgomery reports in Porcupine Soup that the Greene County Legislature has voted unanimously to spend $2,195,000 from the American Rescue Plan Act for high-speed fiber internet on approximately 112 miles of unserved roadways in the county. Most of those roads are in the Towns of Catskill, Durham, Windham, Ashland, and Prattsville. The money goes to Mid-Hudson Cable, Margaretville Telephone Company, and Charter Communications. Greene County officials, in a news release touting the spending, claimed that, “With the completion of this effort, virtually all existing Greene County addresses that currently have electric service (on-grid) will have access to high-speed internet.” Officials did not say when the broadband service would be available, but said construction may take place in 2023 and 2024.