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Schumer, Delgado ask Biden for help to lower gas prices
The Daily Freeman reports that with unemployment figures low, inflation is the leading economic complaint of politicians these days. On Nov. 14, New York Senator Chuck Schumer urged the Biden administration to employ the emergency petroleum reserves to to lower gas prices. "We're here today because we need immediate relief at the gas pump and the place to look is the Strategic Petroleum Reserve," Schumer said. On Nov. 17, Rep. Antonio Delgado echoed Schumer's ask. “These price spikes are particularly harmful for working people and our small businesses, who are less able to absorb higher energy costs,” Delgado wrote in a letter to President Joe Biden. "I urge you to release inventory from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to help immediately stabilize gas prices and help those Americans in places like upstate New York who depend on heating oil, natural gas and propane to heat their homes in the winter.” Read more about this story in the Daily Freeman.