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Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk tweaks reopening plan
Aug 24, 2020 5:30 am
Melanie Lekocevic is reporting for Capital Region Independent Media the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District has announced new changes to its original reopening plan. The district held three informational meetings via video conferencing this month, with the third and final meeting taking place August 20. Nearly 200 members of the public took part in that meeting. District Superintendent Brian Bailey announced the changes, with several made in response to parent concerns about the reopening plan. The biggest change is the timeframe for families to opt in to either Complete Remote Instruction, in which students attend school virtually from home, or in-person or hybrid instruction, depending on their grade level, Bailey said. The decision on the form of instruction for elementary students will be made on a trimester basis, and quarterly at the middle and high schools. The change will give families earlier and more frequent chances to switch their instruction format. Another change implemented will allow for families to request their child to be picked up in the morning at one bus stop, and then dropped off at a different stop in the afternoon. The plan to have students attend remotely every Wednesday to give the school time for a deep cleaning and to provide specialized services for some students has also been cut. Everyone will now be in instruction five days a week, either remotely or in person, Bailey said. And all elementary students will begin their days at 9:10 .m. Food service workers will wear masks and gloves at all times, and breaks will be taken outside of the building, Doug Porter, director of food service, said. All students will have access to food service, with breakfast provided as they enter the building. Students in the younger grades will eat lunch in their classroom, and high schoolers may take their lunch home with them. The first day of school will be Sept. 14, with some grades beginning in person and others from home. Read the full story in The Ravena News-Herald.