WGXC-90.7 FM
Taran's Free Jazz Hour: Taran's Free Jazz Hour: Joe Morris
Sep 12, 2014: 1am - 3am
WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears
90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere
wavefarm.org 1620-AM | Simulcast mid-6 a.m. and Saturdays on WGXC 90.7-FM.
Hosted by Taran.
Episode 26 of 2014 of two-hour free jazz show that airs on eight European radio stations and Wave Farm Radio and WGXC 90.7-FM in the Hudson Valley, in New York, in the United States. Click on title to access the playlist.
music for reeds & electronics: jorrit dijkstra, as, elec/ phillip greenlief, as, ts, cl/ kyle bruckmann, oboe, eng hrn, elec/ franck gratkowski, cl, as/ jon raskin
the whammies vol 3: jorrit dijkstra, as/ pandelys karayorgis, p/ jeb bishop, tbn/ mary oliver, vln, vla/ jason roebke, b/ han bennink, dr
vlatko: m vlatkovich, tbn/ tom mcnalley, el g/ dominic genova, el b/ john vatos hernandez, dr
here & here & here: mvlatkovich, tbn/ anna homler, vo, perc/ jeff kaiser, tp, flghrn/ scott walton, b/ rich west, dr, perc
cortex: thomas johansson, cornet/ kristoffer alberts, reeds/ ola hoyer, b/ gard nilssen, dr
balance: joe morris, g/ mat maneri, vla/ chris lightcap, b/ gerald cleaver, dr
setola di maiale
transition: nils gerold, fl/ nicola guazzaloca, p/ stefano giust, dr
the summary of 5: heinz geisser, perc, kalimba/ fridolin blumer, b/ reto staub, p/ robert morgenthaler, tbn
go south: franziska baumann, vo/ jusg solothurmann, ss, as/ christoph baumann, p/
graham collier
luminosity-the last suites
fanon: tarbaby with oliver lake and marc ducret
françois carrier
the russian concerts: françois carrier, as/ michel lambert, dr/ alexey lapin, p