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Local resident named Young Global Leader
Apr 12, 2011 10:05 am
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="200" caption="Asli Karahan-Ay"][/caption]Dick May has an interesting piece up on his April 9 Seeing Greene blog, about a new Greene County resident who has been named one of 190 Young Global Leaders by the World Economic Forum, better known by the place the WEF meets each year in Davos, Switzerland. Asli Karahan-Ay recently bought a historic home locally with her husband, Evren Ay, and was chosen for her work at the international bank, UBS, where she serves as executive director of the office of the chief executive officer, and previously served as director of UBS' investment bank division. The YGL class of 2011 is composed of 190 people under the age of 40 from 65 countries. Included with Karahan-Ay in the North American contingent of honorees are novelist Dave Eggers, Governor Nikki Haley of South Carolina, Fox commentator and former Bush press secretary Dana Perino, and former Senator and current Democratic Party organizer Harold Ford Jr. Below is a video of David Aikman, Head of the Forum of Young Global Leaders, explaining this year's selection process and what makes this incoming class of Young Global Leaders unique.