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Trump still owes Albany police
Jan 20, 2017 12:54 pm
Heather Kovar at CBS6 Albany TV that President Donald Trump owes the Albany Police Department $56,405 in unpaid invoices for 742 hours for supervisors, officers, detectives, and other personnel at an April campaign stop. The campaigns of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders also have much smaller unpaid debts, while Ohio John Kasich is all square with the Albany police. A Trump spokesperson told CBS6 that an outside independent accounting department Trump uses will be told of the bill. Albany City Treasurer Darius Shahinfar says they have sent the campaigns several reminders. "Follow up bills were sent to the campaigns as well. They still have not responded to my knowledge," said Shahifar. He says anyone who does not pay their bills in Albany, can get locked out of city services. Read the full story at CBS6 Albany TV.