Standing Wave Radio
Skyline_A Musical Inquiry: Gesture and Temporal Scalability
Oct 31, 2008: 11pm - 11:30 pm
free103point9 Online Radio
Brooklyn (2003 - 2004) | Acra (2005 - 2015), NY +
Live Webcast From the Harsh House in Jersey City, NJ. With:
D. Catera (guitar/ electronics)
J. Baird (electronics/ voice)
Things change very slowly or in an eye-blink; on the other hand, we morph from within imperceptibly and quite unnoticed by things. We can’t arrest flux only choose to be a part of it or, not.a cake: ready for the pineapple, everything’s already upside down.
Current mood: thoughtful
Category: Not distractible at the moment.
Set a place at the table for sober reflection campers...take a peek in the mirror and ask one question; "Who are you?" Only one person can answer this one and no need to share the answer. Just good to have a tiny grip of your basics. Fellow beings will benefit obliquely from your knowledge and that is reward enough.
when radio didn’t suck...
Current mood: thirsty
Category: 300 in HD
Another old-timer's wanking on about how slender the thread of broadcast venues has become. No more 'best of all possible worlds' from WHAM in Rochester, Harry Abraham kept many a late night drive interesting for more times than i can remember. Reading, chatting, playing whatever seemed appropriate to the mood, many mornings 5 am would find me still around the receiver inside, after a long commute, just to finish off the program. RIP.
Crickets, creeks, suburbia & chevys in the pasture. Frank, miles, ornette, timmy thomas, little beaver, joni, rava & all the browns james, clifford & john. Funky Nassau, the drells and archie bell.. distortion, krazy kat & nasa video. Perfect sloppy paint-slingers, homebrew & handmade doodads. Donuts, mckenna & detroit finishes. Sidewalks, accidental urban design, a napkin to draw on & outdoor chess. Overheard conversations & voices like angels with their hair on fire. Jobim, good radio, a well told story, the right color in the right place and a job well done. Cinnamon toast and strong coffee, hotel danish in montreal, fuzz dogs and cats nieces and nephews & the horizontal.
Sounds Like You have to be there.
D. Catera (guitar/ electronics)
J. Baird (electronics/ voice)
Things change very slowly or in an eye-blink; on the other hand, we morph from within imperceptibly and quite unnoticed by things. We can’t arrest flux only choose to be a part of it or, not.a cake: ready for the pineapple, everything’s already upside down.
Current mood: thoughtful
Category: Not distractible at the moment.
Set a place at the table for sober reflection campers...take a peek in the mirror and ask one question; "Who are you?" Only one person can answer this one and no need to share the answer. Just good to have a tiny grip of your basics. Fellow beings will benefit obliquely from your knowledge and that is reward enough.
when radio didn’t suck...
Current mood: thirsty
Category: 300 in HD
Another old-timer's wanking on about how slender the thread of broadcast venues has become. No more 'best of all possible worlds' from WHAM in Rochester, Harry Abraham kept many a late night drive interesting for more times than i can remember. Reading, chatting, playing whatever seemed appropriate to the mood, many mornings 5 am would find me still around the receiver inside, after a long commute, just to finish off the program. RIP.
Crickets, creeks, suburbia & chevys in the pasture. Frank, miles, ornette, timmy thomas, little beaver, joni, rava & all the browns james, clifford & john. Funky Nassau, the drells and archie bell.. distortion, krazy kat & nasa video. Perfect sloppy paint-slingers, homebrew & handmade doodads. Donuts, mckenna & detroit finishes. Sidewalks, accidental urban design, a napkin to draw on & outdoor chess. Overheard conversations & voices like angels with their hair on fire. Jobim, good radio, a well told story, the right color in the right place and a job well done. Cinnamon toast and strong coffee, hotel danish in montreal, fuzz dogs and cats nieces and nephews & the horizontal.
Sounds Like You have to be there.