WGXC-90.7 FM

Amanda Dawn Christie's Requiem for Radio, Full Quiet Flutter

May 27, 2017: 7pm - 9pm
WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears

90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere

Wave Farm Radio

wavefarm.org 1620-AM | Simulcast mid-6 a.m. and Saturdays on WGXC 90.7-FM.

Requiem for Radio, Full Quiet Flutter Image

Requiem for Radio, Full Quiet Flutter Image. Created by Amanda Dawn Christie. (May 24, 2017)

Requiem for Radio: Full Quiet Flutter is an interactive performance for human bodies, electrons, and radio waves. Architecture, technology, history, and the human body come together in this near-supernatural conjuring of the spirits of the Radio Canada International (RCI) shortwave towers.

This performance is a requiem for the Radio Canada International shortwave site that was located near the border of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia and transmitted shortwave radio around the world from 1944 to 2014.

The performance is structured around an interactive installation that involves 13 towers with copper capacitance sensors positioned around the space to create a scale model of the recently demolished RCI site. Each tower is dedicated to one of the radio towers that stood there, and when touched it triggers a contact microphone recording made of that tower before the demolition.

Among other elements, the performance also involves a theremin sending control voltage to trigger ghostly images of the towers and the sounds that they once made, thus allowing performers to play the ghosts of the radio towers with radio waves. The performance also includes performances on saxophone and cello with cow bone played through a 1938 Marconi tube radio, as well as a 5 channel electroacoustic work composed to be transmitted from 5 separate shortwave transmission sites around the world, that we will be tuning in to on 5 separate shortwave radios in the performance space, in order to recombine the composition.

Structured with 13 movements for the 13 radio towers, the performance follows the format of a traditional requiem, which normally has only 12 movements, however a 13th movement is added here in movement 0 as a nod to the use of binary data in much of the computer coding.

RFR FQF is a larger body of work with five separate components :
1. Requiem for Radio: Pulse Decay (solo performance for theremin triggering audio and images of radio towers)
2. Requiem for Radio: New Dead Zones (interactive installation - scale model of RCI radio tower site triggering audio)
3. Requiem for Radio: Radio Cowers (cello played with bow made from cow bone, pedals, and 1938 Marconi shortwave radio)
4. Requiem for Radio: Deviant Receptions (international shortwave simulcast for 5 transmission sites)
5. Requiem for Radio: Full Quiet Flutter (performance that integrates the previous four elements and more)

Produced by the Centre cultural Aberdeen and presented by the RE:FLUX festival of experimental music and sound art. Supported by the Canada Council for the Arts and the Arts Board of New Brunswick.