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New York politicians react to Trump's State of the Union speech

Feb 06, 2019 12:55 am
New York politicians reacted to the President's State of the Union speech. Rep. Antonio Delgado released a statement that read, in part, “While I wish the President’s speech had focused more on what brings us together, I was glad to hear him discuss some key issues that I think we can all come agree to prioritize, like reducing the price of prescription drugs and strengthening our infrastructure." Senator Kirsten Gillibrand's statement read, "President Trump has had years to bring this country together, but instead he has chosen to divide the country across every single line he can imagine. If President Trump wants to convince the country that he actually cares about bringing us together, then he can start by no longer using government workers as political pawns, reuniting the families that his Administration ripped apart at the border, and stopping with political wedge issues like telling women they can’t make their own health decisions in consultation with their doctor.” Gov. Andrew Cuomo only focused on one issue in his statement, "Tonight President Trump proposed rolling back the protections provided by Roe v. Wade — the law of our nation for 46 years affirmed and reaffirmed by numerous Supreme Courts. Never. New York has a message to those who spread lies and fear to control women's reproductive health decisions: Not going to happen. Not now, not ever."