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Common Council votes to terminate contract with revaluation company
Apr 18, 2019 11:45 pm
Amanda Purcell reports in Columbia-Greene Media that on April 16 the Hudson Common Council held a symbolic vote to terminate its contract with the company heading the citywide revaluation process, after property evaluations came in much higher than usual this year. The Council will hold a more substantive vote on the issue at 5 p.m. April 24 at the Hudson Area Library. GAR Associates valued many properties in the city double, and sometimes triple, their previous property assessments, as if some new development since 2012 made Hudson property worth much more. First Ward Alderperson Rob Bujan and Fifth Ward Alderpeople Eileen Halloran and Dominic Merante voted to retain the large increases in valuation and keep GAR Associates. The issue was raised by a petition from Hudson residents Peter Meyer, Peggy Anderson, and Joseph Holodook with more than 100 signatures asking Mayor Rick Rector to reject the preliminary reassessments by GAR Associates. Read the full story in HudsonValley360.