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Knox candidates line up for elections
Apr 17, 2019 12:21 am
H. Rose Schneider reports in the Altamont Enterprise that Knox Democrats will hold a primary election this year instead of a caucus. The Knox Democratic Party did endorse a slate of candidates for town offices, but moved to a primary format to eliminate intimidation at caucuses. The Democratic committee nominated Russell Pokorny for supervisor, incumbents Earl Barcomb and Dennis Barber for town board, and Joan Adriance for town clerk, but no one for for tax collector, town justice, or highway superintendent. Republicans are running incumbent Vasilios Lefkaditis, a Democrat, for town supervisor. They are also backing Dennis Cyr, a Republican, and June Springer, a Democrat, for town council; and Bonnie Donati, a Republican, for town justice. And Town Clerk Traci Schanz, an Independence Party member, and Gary Salisbury, Knox’s highway superintendent will both run for reelection on the Republican line. Read the full story in the Altamont Enterprise.