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Dems dispute Cuomo's claim of inclusion in sexual harassment negotiations

Mar 29, 2018 2:05 pm
Rachel Silberstein reports in Capitol Confidential Gov. Andrew Cuomo told reporters March 28 that a bipartisan “working group” of female legislative staffers from both houses — including a delegate from the Senate Democrats — was working on updating the state’s sexual harassment policies. But Senate Democrats said that was not true. “Our Counsel has been briefed on the status of negotiations, but unfortunately not involved in the negotiations and when she made suggestions or offered input into bill language we were told that discussion has already been shut down,” said Mike Murphy, communications director for the Senate Democrats, in a statement. “Every year we receive briefings on the budget that has been negotiated by the Governor and the majorities. The only difference this year was that Governor’s office made a promise to include the first female leader. That has not happened." Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, though, sided with the governor. "My senior staff participated in meetings with members of the Governor’s senior staff and the senior staff of the Senate Democratic Conference to discuss this critical issue and incorporate various recommendations made by all parties to address the scourge of sexual harassment,” Heastie said. Read the full story in Capitol Confidential.