WGXC-90.7 FM

Bassist Michael Bisio talks on WGXC
Aug 07, 2011 2:24 pm
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="500" caption="Michael Bisio, from his website."]
[/caption]Hudson Valley-based bassist Michael Bisio will be interviewed on WGXC on Thursday, August 11, on "The Jazz Disturbance" from 7-9:30 p.m., in conjunction with WGXC's "Local Music Week." Bisio invariably astounds audiences with the beauty of his tone and the intensity of his very personal musical language. As a recording artist he appears on over fifty CDs, and is leader on ten CDs and co-leads seven duet recordings. In 2009 he recorded 14 releases including two Michael Bisio Quartet CDs for CIMP and Not Two, two CDs by Tomas Ulrich's Cargo Cult, and "Old Dog, By Any Other Name" (Porter Records). Releases this year include Bisio's first solo effort "Travel Music" (MJB) and the highly-lauded Matthew Shipp Trio recording "The Art of the Improviser" (Thirsty Ear) recorded in Troy.