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Durham PD at center of board dispute
Andrea Macko is reporting in the Greenville Pioneer Durham Town Supervisor Bill Carr Jr., and Deputy Supervisor Shawn Marriott are at odds over management of the Durham Police Department. On May 1, Carr drafted a four-page memorandum to the Town Board requesting that Marriott, a Greene County Sheriff’s deputy, permanently recuse himself from board discussions and decisions concerning the town police department. Marriott was known to be investigating the qualifications of some members of the police force. He was also looking into allegations that Durham Police Officer Michael Scarey was involved in the distribution of a graphic accident photograph to the media. Scarey is accused of handing out the photo while serving as a volunteer with the Windham Fire Department. The image in question was of the February crash in Ashland that claimed the life of on-duty Greene County Sheriff’s Deputy Kevin Haverly. Carr’s memo also contained unsourced accusations of unethical behavior by Marriott as a deputy sheriff.