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Environmental groups ask New York lawmakers to allow direct sales of electric vehicles
Nick Reisman reports for New York State of Politics that seven environmental groups are asking New York lawmakers to make it easier to buy an electrical vehicle in the state. In 2014, New York lawmakers blocked electric vehicle makers from operating independent car dealerships in the state. Only Tesla was grandfathered in, and allowed to operate five direct sales dealerships. Now the New York League of Conservation Voters, Environmental Advocates New York, Environmental Entrepreneurs, the Alliance for Clean Energy New York, Citizens Campaign for the Environment, the Sierra Club, and the Natural Resources Defense Council want that to change. “There is a critical need to lower greenhouse gas emissions, and we can take immediate action through the rapid adoption of zero-emissions vehicles across New York State,” said Julie Tighe, the president of the New York League of Conservation Voters. “If New York wants to continue being leaders in the fight against climate change, we need to increase the number of (zero emissions vehicles) on the road dramatically." The state Assembly plan a hearing on transportation issues and electric vehicles next session, and may discuss direct sales of electric vehicles then. Read more about this story at New York State of Politics.