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Turner to lead state's Cornell Cooperative Extension
Cornell University reports that Andy Turner, the former executive director for Cornell Cooperative Extension in Greene and Columbia counties, has been appointed director of the statewide Cornell Cooperative Extension. Turner was also named as associate dean for the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the College of Human Ecology at Cornell. The extension offices oversee food systems, natural resources, sustainable energy, 4-H youth development, nutrition, parent education, and economic development work in all counties in New York. Turner was instrumental in developing the Cornell Cooperative Extension Agroforestry Resource Center in Acra in 2003. Later, he helped get community radio station WGXC on the air in 2011 as part of the station's initial advisory board. Turner said, “I am incredibly fortunate to provide leadership for CCE at such an important time for the communities of New York state.... CCE’s mission of bringing research-based knowledge together with local wisdom and experience has never been more critical as we address climate change, build community resiliency, support positive youth development and rebuild the civic ties that bind our communities together.” Read more about this story at Cornell University.