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Inmate hits officer at Coxsackie prison
Melanie Lekocevic reports for Columbia-Greene Media that a corrections officer and an inmate were injured in a scuffle at the Greene Correctional Facility in Coxsackie June 25. The New York State Correctional Officers and Police Benevolent Association said that inmate hit one officer, and tried to hit another when the two officers were counseling the inmate about his work. The inmate was treated for a small cut. One of the corrections officers drove himself to an outside medical facility for treatment, with pain in his left eye, left shoulder, left knee, and shin. The other officer was examined by on-site medical personnel, but remained on duty. NYSCOPBA Mid-Hudson Region Vice President Chris Moreau used the incident to take a shot at unnamed politicians, without proposing any solutions. "The politicians elected to represent us across this state must understand the gravity of danger that exists daily for our members and address the violence that exists in our prisons before someone gets critically injured or killed," Moreau said. "Literally every day we report on officers who get punched, kicked, or even stabbed in inmate attacks. The troubling aspect is, these incidents garner little or no action by our elected officials of DOCCS administration and our membership deserves far more." Read more about this story at HudsonValley360.com.