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Cuomo keeps quiet on ethics reform

Feb 25, 2016 12:03 am
Casey Seiler in Capitol Confidential reports that Governor Andrew Cuomo continues to keep quiet on possible ethics reform in Albany. In Kingston Feb. 24 to tout his $15 minimum wage proposal, asked why he was not discussing the issue he said, "We are — it’s just in phases." But Seiler writes, "Since his State of the State address last month, Cuomo has discussed ethics in public only in response to reporter’s questions, and has often answered by saying that the public needs to reach out to their lawmakers to demand change." Many legislators in Albany have faced jail time in the past year because of ethical lapses, and it has been reported that the New York State Senate’s Ethics Committee has not met in at least five years. And New York recently scored an "F" in "ethics enforcement" from the Center for Public Integrity and Global Integrity. Read the full story in Capitol Confidential.