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Solar projects on hold while Nassau updates town zoning
Jan 14, 2019 12:13 am
Brian Nearing reports in the Albany Times Union that the town of Nassau in Rensselaer County, like many other local towns, has a moratorium on solar projects while it works out regulations on large solar farms. A new zoning law would limit large solar arrays to no more than five acres of state-defined "prime agricultural soils." "We want to protect our farms ... we have seen other towns struggle with these issues, and we wanted to avoid that," said Town Supervisor David Fleming. "We are pro-solar." Solar projects on 10 and 15 acres would be limited to no more than a third of the land for solar panels, under the current proposal, with larger percentages allowed on larger projects. And the proposal includes a local tax preference for projects providing electricity mostly to town residents. Nassau holds a public hearing on the issue at 6:45 p.m., Feb. 14 at Nassau Town Hall. Read the full story in the Albany Times Union.