WGXC-90.7 FM

Technology and Society

Jun 06, 2015: 3am - 5am
Wave Farm Radio

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"Technology and Society" conference. This is the third panel of a day-long conference on Technology and Society organized by undergraduate students at the University of Chicago. "There are many aspects of technology that have enabled new social forms in society, like cell phones and social media, and the changes in human beings can be seen everywhere from employment to cognition. In this panel our guest speakers discuss societal changes likely to result from the expansion of technology to human endeavors" (program). A note of caution is occasionally heard but generally the down side of the technology discussed is absent as well as the fact that once in the hands of corporations and governments it is beyond control of the scientists who developed it, most likely, with beneficial intent. Credits: Chicago Society - UChicago International House - UChicago Notes: Chad Syverson - J. Baum Harris Professor of Economics, Booth School of Business - "Technology, Productivity, and Employment" Scott Kominers - Junior Fellow, Society of Fellows at Harvard University - "The Future of Economic Design" Marcus U. Jean-Simon - VP pf Goals-Based Consulting, Merrill Lynch - "Goals-Based Wealth Management: How Utilizing Soft and Hard Data Combined Leads to Better Investment Decisions" Trevor J. Pinch - Goldwin Smith Professor of Science and Technology Studies and Professor of Sociology, Cornell University; Former Chair of Science and Technology - " Revisiting the Sixties: the Moog Electronic Music Synthesizer and its Relationship to Society" Moderator: Adrian Johns - Allan Grant Maclear Professor, University of Chicago; Chair, Committee on Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science