WGXC-90.7 FM
Deadline for WGXC program applications
Apr 29, 2010 2:17 am
WGXC Program Application
Download PDF to apply to host a show on WGXC.E-mail or mail them in to info@wgxc.org or WGXC, 5662 Rt. 23, Acra, NY 12405.
Program Applications received:
JoAnn Piazzi and Peter Lerner (Windham)
Interview show: Politicians, officials, volunteers, activists.
John Cleater (Columbiaville)
Music: international psychedelic music from 1969.
Matthew Slaats (Staatsburg)
Arts Talk: Hudson Valley arts.
Max Goldfarb (Hudson)
"Incident Report": soundworks, talks, interviews.
Terence Doyle (Delhi)
"Imprint" regional music show.
Chrissy Budzinski (Catskill)
Music: local music.
Laura Kunreuther and Max Goldfarb (Hudson)
Jeffrey P. Moore (Copake)
Music: alternative, electronic, chill.
Bear (New Baltimore)
Kaleidoscopic quilt of sonic ear and mind candy.
Tony Fallon (Durham)
Music: Irish.
Jason Costello (Freehold)
Music: hair metal bands.
Linda Karlsson (Catskill)
Health and wellness.
Jim McCabe (Claverack)
Music: "The Tiki Bar": Cocktails, tropical drinks, entertainment, always a relaxing island atmosphere.
Ted Banta (Cairo)
Local real estate.
Christina Malisoff (Hudson)
Interview show: authors, artists, activists, unnoticed.
Sandy McKnight (Hudson)
Talk/music with local guests from the arts.
Andrew Amelinckx (Catskill)
History, art, literature.
Studio Stu (Kingston)
Music: jazz improv.
Barbara Sturman (Lexington)
Teen radio, interviews, etc.
Steve Charney (Saugerties)
Children's/family comedy show
Bill Schmick (Hillsdale)
Business and finance.
Randy J. Hinz (Columbiaville)
Sonny Rock (Windham)
Music: local and national independent bands.
Susan Robinson (Hudson)
Music: House, international, '70s + '80s new wave.
Francis Robles (Athens)
Music: Dance, electro, techno, turntablism.
Agroforesty Center (Acra)
"Living with the Land": regional farming and forestry historical and current.
Susan Arbetter (Albany)
"The Capitol Pressroom": state government news.
Jackie Thomas (Hudson)
Music: "Sunday Afternoon" with local, national, and international music.
Matt Harle (Beacon)
Found sounds, field recordings, music from the Hudson Valley.
Cairo Library (Cairo)
Children's reading program, music, and more.
Rob Johanson (Hudson)
Music: Live recordings from the Red Dot Open Mic (Wednesdays), and other local and regional music and recordings.
Brian Branigan (Hudson)
"The WGXC Flea" on-air flea market.
Dominic Merante (Hudson)
Music: Local and national country music.
Mark Read (?)
Music: music and political conversation.
Alan Skerrett (Philmont)
Music: jazz, from big band to fusion.
Nancy Annette Massey Marron (Cornwallville)
Etiquette and social skills.
Chuck Sussman (Philmont)
Music: Local music.
Reggie Madison (Athens)
Music: Jazz.
Deborah McDowell/Marc Schafler (Hudson)
Music: Live from Club Helsinki.
Peter Wetzler (Kingston)
Music: "Sound Forms" new music composers from around the world.
Dawn Collins (Stuyvesant)
Music: interview/intentional and transformational music.
Dan Seward (Hudson)
Music: "Battlefield Earth:" all types of music.
Elizabeth Hess (Spencertown)
On companion animals and farm animals.
Stephanie Hartka (Hudson)
Music: Latin American.
Michael Gogger (Coxsackie)
Psychic show.
Norman Douglas (Hudson)
Experimental, free-format series: interview and oral history, audio collage, etc.
Severine von Tscharner Fleming (?)
"Greenhorn Radio:" Hudson Valley-based show for under-40 farmers.
Vicki Lagoudis (Catskill)
Talk show on alternative healing or spiritual/psychic.
Ann Forbes Cooper (Catskill)
Interview show: arts and culture.
Hank Flick (Hudson)
Music: "Excursions with Lunar Moss:" experimental pop and rock.
E-mail applications by May 1 to info@wgxc.org or mail them to WGXC, 5662 Rt. 23, Acra, NY 12405.
Download PDF to apply to host a show on WGXC.E-mail or mail them in to info@wgxc.org or WGXC, 5662 Rt. 23, Acra, NY 12405.
Program Applications received:
Interview show: Politicians, officials, volunteers, activists.
Music: international psychedelic music from 1969.
Arts Talk: Hudson Valley arts.
"Incident Report": soundworks, talks, interviews.
"Imprint" regional music show.
Music: local music.
Music: alternative, electronic, chill.
Kaleidoscopic quilt of sonic ear and mind candy.
Music: Irish.
Music: hair metal bands.
Health and wellness.
Music: "The Tiki Bar": Cocktails, tropical drinks, entertainment, always a relaxing island atmosphere.
Local real estate.
Interview show: authors, artists, activists, unnoticed.
Talk/music with local guests from the arts.
History, art, literature.
Music: jazz improv.
Teen radio, interviews, etc.
Children's/family comedy show
Business and finance.
Music: local and national independent bands.
Music: House, international, '70s + '80s new wave.
Music: Dance, electro, techno, turntablism.
"Living with the Land": regional farming and forestry historical and current.
"The Capitol Pressroom": state government news.
Music: "Sunday Afternoon" with local, national, and international music.
Found sounds, field recordings, music from the Hudson Valley.
Children's reading program, music, and more.
Music: Live recordings from the Red Dot Open Mic (Wednesdays), and other local and regional music and recordings.
"The WGXC Flea" on-air flea market.
Music: Local and national country music.
Music: music and political conversation.
Music: jazz, from big band to fusion.
Etiquette and social skills.
Music: Local music.
Music: Jazz.
Music: Live from Club Helsinki.
Music: "Sound Forms" new music composers from around the world.
Music: interview/intentional and transformational music.
Music: "Battlefield Earth:" all types of music.
On companion animals and farm animals.
Music: Latin American.
Psychic show.
Experimental, free-format series: interview and oral history, audio collage, etc.
"Greenhorn Radio:" Hudson Valley-based show for under-40 farmers.
Talk show on alternative healing or spiritual/psychic.
Interview show: arts and culture.
Music: "Excursions with Lunar Moss:" experimental pop and rock.
E-mail applications by May 1 to info@wgxc.org or mail them to WGXC, 5662 Rt. 23, Acra, NY 12405.