WGXC-90.7 FM

Delgado talks affordable housing at Bliss Towers in Hudson
Sep 06, 2019 12:43 am
Above: WGXC volunteer Dan Udell recorded and uploaded video of the event, and provided the audio for the live WGXC broadcast.
Amanda Purcell reports for Columbia-Greene Media that Rep. Antonio Delgado, a Democrat from Rhinebeck held what essentially was a town hall meeting about affordable housing at Bliss Towers in Hudson Sept. 4. WGXC broadcast the meeting live on 90.7-FM, and has a recording in the WGXC Audio Archives. More than 70 people squeezed into the community room at Bliss Towers to ask the Congressperson questions. Delgado said funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has decreased. “As the need is increasing, the funding to enable to address the need is declining,” Delgado said. (PLAY SHORT EXCERPT OF ANTONIO DELGADO AT BLISS TOWERS WED. SEPT. 4). First Ward Alderperson Kamal Johnson, a WGXC volunteer programmer also running for mayor as a Democrat, organized the event and introduced Delgado, and said, “One of the things we wanted to do in hosting this event is make sure that our congressman hears from the people that are being affected by a housing issue.... It’s different when we get statistics and different things like that then when you hear a person’s story and you put a face to that story.” Read more about this story at HudsonValley360.com.