WGXC-90.7 FM

The Radio Art Hour: Terry Riley, Jon Rose

Nov 20, 2021: 3pm - 4pm
WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears

90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere

Standing Wave Radio

wavefarm.org/listen and 1620-AM at Wave Farm

Produced by Bianca Biberaj, in collaboration with Wave Farm Radio Art Fellows and Artists-in-residence.

This week tune in for radio art works from Terry Riley and Jon Rose, both from the New American Radio archives (now hosted at WaveFarm.org). First, Terry Riley's "Autodreamographical Tales" from Jan. 1, 1996. "Autodreamographical Tales" is a brand new and excitingly different work from "the father of minimalism." It's an electro-acoustic radio opera based on a series of short stories from Riley's 1995 Dream Journal. All the music was inspire by and composed specifically and interactively with these tales. Also emerging and submerging from the text is a dream-like anthem, "The Circle of Wolves." Its text reveals the perceived apprehensions of artists, gays, immigrants and people of color who live in a sometimes hostile and button-downed society. Next tune in for Jon Rose's "The Long Sufferings of Anna Magdalena Bach" from Jan 1, 1998. "The Long Sufferings of Anna Magdalena Bach" is a set of variations on a recently discovered theme by Johann Sebastian Bach's second wife: mother of 13 children, hard-working housewife and composer. Colorful, intense and irreverent, this work presents Anna Magdalena in her own voice, commenting on her husband, their life together and on her times. It is an abridged version of a 45 minute commission of the ABC Australia's Listening Room series, 1996.

Welcome to "The Radio Art Hour," a show where art is not just on the radio, but is the radio. "The Radio Art Hour" draws from the Wave Farm Broadcast Radio Art Archive, an online resource that aims to identify, coalesce, and celebrate historical and contemporary international radio artworks made by artists around the world, created specifically for terrestrial AM/FM broadcast, whether it be via commercial, public, community, or independent transmission. Come on a journey with us as radio artists explore broadcast radio space through poetic resuscitations and playful celebrations/subversions of the complex relationship between senders and receivers in this hour of radio about radio as an art form. "The Radio Art Hour" features introductions from Philip Grant and Tom Roe, and from Wave Farm Radio Art Fellows Karen Werner, Jess Speer, and Andy Stuhl. The Conet Project's recordings of numbers radio stations serve as interstitial sounds. Go to wavefarm.org for more information about "The Radio Art Hour" and Wave Farm's Radio Art Archive.