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Kavanaugh not ready to concede Ulster DA race
Dec 16, 2019 2:00 pm
Diane Pineiro-Zucker is reporting for the Daily Freeman Republican Michael J. Kavanagh said Fri., Dec. 13, he has not conceded the election for Ulster County district attorney. He planned to take the weekend to confer with his team and his family before making an announcement Tuesday. Kavanagh, the county’s chief assistant district attorney, said he is weighing the possibility of a mandatory recount in the race against Democrat David Clegg, the apparent winner of the race. A mandatory recount is triggered in New York when an election is decided by 0.2 percent or less of the ballots cast. Jennifer Fuentes, Ulster County's deputy Democratic commissioner of elections, said if Kavanagh requests it, the Board of Elections must do a hand recount. According to Republican Commissioner of Election Thomas Turco, Clegg's margin of victory was 77 votes out of the 52,585 cast, or 0.14 percent of the total. Fuentes said the board is prepared to begin a hand recount as of December 19 and it would take about a month to complete. The price of the recount would be, at minimum, $16,000 and the Board of Elections would have to cover the cost. Clegg said he had not heard from Kavanagh as of Friday. Barring a successful challenge by Kavanagh, Clegg’s term will begin January 1. Read the full story in the Daily Freeman.