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Molinaro would end corporate welfare
Glenn Blain is reporting for the Daily News Republican gubernatorial candidate Marcus Molinaro June 22, called for an end to state-funded corporate welfare. Molinaro, the Dutchess County executive, promised to overhaul New York’s “failed and bloated economic development programs” and stop the flow of discretionary tax dollars to individual corporations. “We will not authorize cutting checks to businesses,” Molinaro said at a press conference held at the State Capitol. The Tivoli Republican said he would still support tax breaks for businesses so long as they were part of a broad-based effort. “The way, in my opinion, that you grow jobs in the State of New York is you reduce cost and you make it easier for businesses to thrive,” he said. Following Molinaro's comments, Cuomo campaign officials labeled him a hypocrite. They said he applauded Cuomo’s economic development efforts in 2012 when the state helped retailer Gap Inc. expand its Dutchess County distribution center with $1 million worth of tax credits. Read the full story in the New York Daily News.