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Great Barrington airport gets special permit

Apr 11, 2023 12:11 pm

Heather Bellow reports in The Berkshire Eagle that Great Barrington's Select Board on April 10 voted 4-1, with member Ed Abrahams voting no, for a special permit to allow planes to keep taking off from and landing at Walter J. Koladza Airport. Berkshire Aviation Holdings Inc., the airport owners, must abide by a slew of conditions, including cutting back their flight school operations during the summer months. Abrahams, the lone no vote, said, “We missed an opportunity to really listen to various opinions and try to reach a compromise.... Without a permit, the town controls growth. With it, we are at the mercy of the courts upholding our issuing of conditions normally reserved for the FAA and [Department of Transportation].” Two neighbors and an abutter have jointly sued the town in Land Court for allowing the airport to operate, but the judge paused the case until April 29 to wait for the permit hearing result. Read more about this story in The Berkshire Eagle.