WGXC-90.7 FM
Other Music: Other Music: Nina Bar-Giora
Jul 20, 2013: 12:15 pm - 2pm
free103point9 Online Radio
Brooklyn (2003 - 2004) | Acra (2005 - 2015), NY
free103point9.org + transmissionarts.org/listen
90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere
Hosted by Various.
Nina Bar-Giora is Wave Farm's 2013 Summer Intern, hosting a DJ set live from Wave Farm. Bar-Giora will graduate from Bard College this May with a degree in biology. While at Bard, her studies have been focused in biology and philosophy including courses in the Mind, Brain, and Behavior concentration. Nina is the host of "Rainbows On My Eyeballs," a radio show on Bard’s student-run online station WXBC. She makes music on her own and with the band "Pogs." Writes Bar-Giora, "I’ve long been in love with music and curious about radio. I’m thrilled to be an intern this summer at Wave Farm. I’m looking forward to learning about how a non-profit arts organization works, working alongside artists in residency, and learning as much as I can about transmission and sound arts."