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New Lebanon families displaced by tractor-trailer crash
The Berkshire Eagle is reporting several New Lebanon families on December 23, were forced out of their homes as the result of a crash caused by icy roads and an out of control tractor-trailer slamming into two buildings near town hall, during a winter storm. According to New Lebanon Town Clerk Marcie Robertson, “There was a horrible accident yesterday across from the town hall where a giant tanker truck lost control on the icy road and hit two buildings.” There were no injuries, but several families were forced to flee without anything but what they had on them. The families were displaced for Christmas, Robertson said in an email. “We have taken care of getting them a place to stay, but they had to leave with the clothes on their back and they have nothing. They basically need everything from clothing to toiletries to food.” She said the displaced have asked for gift cards for groceries and other supplies. Maverick’s sandwich shop on Route 20, has offered to collect donations for the families and asks that people drop them off when the shop is open, between 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. all this week. “We are so grateful to live in such an amazing community where so many people have reached out asking how they can help,” Robertson said. Read the full story in The Berkshire Eagle.