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Radio News: FCC extends comment period on TV ownership deregulation

Feb 18, 2018 10:50 pm
The Communications Law blog reports that the Federal Communications Comission is extending the public comment period for a rule that would change the national television ownership cap. Current FCC rules prohibit any entity from owning or controlling television stations that reach more than 39 percent of U.S. television market. The FCC is asking for comments about whether that rule should be retained, modified, or eliminated. The Republican majority on the FCC board have indicated they want to eliminate the rule, perhaps, to help Sinclair Broadcasting purchase Tribune Media, a merger that would allow Sinclair to reach 70 percent of U.S. homes. The New York Times reported last week that the office of Federal Communications Commission's inspector general is investigating FCC Chairman Ajit Pai's handling of deregulation over the past year that seems to favor Sinclair Broadcasting. Comments about the proposed rule are now due by March 19 and reply comments will be due by April 18, and anyone commenting at fcc.gov must cite MB Docket No. 17-318.