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Hudson Pride parade may be back
Mar 30, 2016 12:04 am
Debby Mayer in The Columbia Paper reports that while the Hudson Pride Foundation won't put it on, there still might be a Hudson Pride parade down Warren Street this June. Rich Volo (aka Trixie Star and a founder of the Pride Parade and former HPF board president) has formed Out Hudson, and, with cooperation from Hudson Mayor Tiffany Martin Hamilton, has taken over the parade permit that Hudson Pride Foundation previously filed with the city. Volo, who ran unsuccessfully for Fourth Ward alderman last year, said the six-year-old parade will be Saturday, June 18. The Hudson Pride Foundation said it did not have time to put on a parade this year, focusing on its youth work and adding a new collaboration with the City of Hudson’s Office of the Aging. Read the full story in The Columbia Paper.