WGXC-90.7 FM

Second Annual Catskill Artist Studio and Gallery Tour
Oct 07, 2009 5:29 pm
Paul Smart from WGXC will be wandering around Catskill with a digital recorder interviewing folks Saturday, Oct. 10 at the Second Annual Catskill Artist Studio and Gallery Tour. This year’s program includes artists’ studios open from noon to 5 p.m. in the surrounding area of Catskill as well as the Village itself and include the following: Terence Barrell, Dina Bursztyn, Julie Chase, Sasha Chermayeff, Tasha Depp, Jared Handelsman, Jim Holl, Philip Howie, Edith Marcik, Patrick Milbourn, Lee Anne Morgan, Portia Munson, Fawn Potash, Susan Wides. Participants must sign up to receive a button and a map of tour sites at:
Cedar Grove, The Thomas Cole National Historic Site, 218 Spring Street or
The Greene County Council on the Arts, 398 Main Street in Catskill.
All studios and galleries will be marked on the map and signed with small flags or numbered signs. Some sites may not be handicapped accessible. It is not necessary to sign up for the gallery openings or evening events.
Participating galleries are open from noon to 8 p.m. Visitors are invited to join CGA galleries and special Main Street locations for a street-long post-tour reception. Enjoy refreshments and conversation with area artists as you visit exhibitions and special installations. Participating galleries include: M Gallery, Union Mills, Brik, The Greene County Council on the Arts, Terenchin Fine Art, Day and Holt, The Catskill Community Center, Gallery 42, and the Galleria Catskill. The tour is free.
Information: www.catskillgalleryassociation.com
Cedar Grove, The Thomas Cole National Historic Site, 218 Spring Street or
The Greene County Council on the Arts, 398 Main Street in Catskill.
All studios and galleries will be marked on the map and signed with small flags or numbered signs. Some sites may not be handicapped accessible. It is not necessary to sign up for the gallery openings or evening events.
Participating galleries are open from noon to 8 p.m. Visitors are invited to join CGA galleries and special Main Street locations for a street-long post-tour reception. Enjoy refreshments and conversation with area artists as you visit exhibitions and special installations. Participating galleries include: M Gallery, Union Mills, Brik, The Greene County Council on the Arts, Terenchin Fine Art, Day and Holt, The Catskill Community Center, Gallery 42, and the Galleria Catskill. The tour is free.
Information: www.catskillgalleryassociation.com