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Opposition to anchorages builds

Aug 17, 2016 12:02 am
Lisa W. Foderaro reports in The New York Times about opposition along the Hudson River to a proposal from the private maritime industry to allow large barges, up to 600 feet long, to anchor off in different spots along the waterway from New York City north to Kingston. In December, the Republican-led Congress ended a 40-year ban on the export of most crude oil produced in the continental United States, so different companies want to move oil to the oceans through several proposed pipelines, on trains, and through more river traffic. Environmentalists such as John Lipscomb, the boat captain for Riverkeeper, oppose the added anchorages. “Trying to corral crude oil in a moving river is virtually impossible,” he said. “Riverkeeper and many others in the Hudson Valley would prohibit any transport of crude oil on the river.” The Coast Guard is now accepting public comments, and will hold public hearings in the fall. Read the full story in The New York Times.