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Amazon using out-of-area contractors in Schodack

Dec 23, 2019 10:45 am
The Times Union reports that Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand discussed the one-million-square-foot distribution center that Amazon is currently building near Route 9 in Rensslaer County on Dec. 19. New York's junior senator was announcing a new bill aimed at prioritizing federal infrastructure contracts to union-friendly companies and minority-owned businesses. Gillibrand noted that Amazon was using out-of-area contractors to build the distribution center in Schodack. “Those are jobs that could have gone to workers in the Capital Region – and they should have," Gillibrand said. She was discussing the "Build Local, Hire Local Act" at the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, District Council 9, Local 201 in Albany. The bill would mandate at least 30 percent of new infrastructure contracts go to businesses owned by minorities, women, or veterans. Read more about this story in the Times Union.