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Obama talks jobs in Albany

May 09, 2012 5:52 am
Larry Rulison and Jimmy Vielkind report on President Barack Obama's visit to Albany, Tues., May 8 in the Times Union. The President used his third trip to the region as an opportunity to offer a to-do list for Congress that included tax incentives and action to prevent student loan interest rates from doubling. Obama appeared at the University of Albany's College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering. "Now I want what's happening in Albany to happen all across the country — places like Cleveland and Pittsburgh and Raleigh," Obama said. "I want to create more opportunities for hardworking Americans to start making things again, and selling them all over the world stamped with those proud words: Made in America. That's the goal." During the course of the 22-minute speech, Obama called on Congress to make it easier for homeowners to refinance their mortgages; create or extend tax credits for businesses that expand from overseas operations; and create a job corps. The NanoCollege is currently undergoing a $4.8 billion expansion, and officials reportedly hope the presidential visit could help convince the administration to establish a Department of Defense presence in the school. Read the full account of the presidential visit in the Times Union.