WGXC-90.7 FM

Live from Livecode.NYC: Anti Patterns

Dec 01, 2023: 7pm - 8pm
Live from Livecode.NYC Show Image

Live from Livecode.NYC Show Image. Courtesy the artists.

Presented live for Radio Tsonami (Chile), Anti Patterns is a collaborative, immersive live-coding performance, broadcasted from New York City. Inspired by the mesmerizing behavior of murmuration, artists of Livecode.NYC collaborate on an hour-long sonic venture using open-source programming tools, opening up spaces for improvisation and emergence of Anti Patterns. The programme is performed to a live-audience, who are invited to freely enter, leave, and move around the space, becoming an integral part of the evolving soundscape.

Livecode.NYC is a New York City-based artist collective devoted to the real-time programming technique called livecoding as a methodology of artistic expressions. Our members include artists, engineers, actors, designers, educators, musicians, game developers, and writers. Our leaderless collective has no formal membership or hierarchy; anyone is welcome to join, attend, participate in, and host algoraves.

Livecoding and Algoraves (algorithm + rave) are global movements. Where traditional music and visual production processes are effectively opaque, a key component to livecoding is transparency, displaying the code and interfaces that produce the sights and sounds the audience experiences in real time. Some guiding principles of our community include: Exposing algorithmic processes, challenging established institutions, collapsing hierarchies, respecting other communities, equitable diversity and inclusion in lineups and audiences, and making space for experimentation and failure.