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Friday December 3 2010 news updates
Dec 03, 2010 2:07 am
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="250" caption="Roberta Davis, from Columbia County Democrats website."]
[/caption]Democrats say Roberta Davis elected Columbia County Coroner
The Columbia County Democrats' website is crowing that Roberta Davis has beaten Republican Deborah Simonsmeier, citing an unofficial count of absentee ballots:
Roberta Davis: 1,062
Deborah Simonsmeier: 671
"The margin is well ahead of the dozen or so votes she was behind on Election Night," the Democrats' website says, and would make her Columbia County's Third County Coroner with Angelo Nero and George Davis M.D. Mrs. Davis ran on the Democratic and Working Families Party lines.
Murphy votes for tax cut
Outgoing Congressman Scott Murphy voted Thursday for a permanent extension of tax cuts that apply to every family’s first $250,000 of income. The tax cut passed the House of Representatives 234-188, and is expected to be filibustered by Republicans in the U.S. Senate. Republicans there want to extend the tax cuts to all incomes, while Democrats believe families with higher incomes then $250,000 should be taxed more to pay down the debt or stimulate the economy. Chris Gibson, who defeated Murphy in November and takes over the District 20 seat in January, is out of the country, and could not be reached about how he would have voted on the bill.
Slopes open this weekend
Windham Mountain starts their 50th anniversary season Saturday at 8 a.m., according to their Facebook page. "Last weekend’s snowmaking held up and Team Snow had the system charged up at midnight," the site says. Windham opens with two lifts, three trails, two boxes, and three rails this weekend. Hunter Mountain's website says "anticipated opening Sun. Dec. 5."
Audio from Hudson special school board meeting Monday
WGXC's Alan Skerrett and Joan Geitz attended the special Hudson board meeting Monday, and made an mp3 recording you can listen to by clicking here. Read several different accounts of the meeting here.
Dec. 3 birthdays include Octavia Hill, Jean-Luc Godard, and Bobby Allison.

The Columbia County Democrats' website is crowing that Roberta Davis has beaten Republican Deborah Simonsmeier, citing an unofficial count of absentee ballots:
Roberta Davis: 1,062
Deborah Simonsmeier: 671
"The margin is well ahead of the dozen or so votes she was behind on Election Night," the Democrats' website says, and would make her Columbia County's Third County Coroner with Angelo Nero and George Davis M.D. Mrs. Davis ran on the Democratic and Working Families Party lines.
Murphy votes for tax cut
Outgoing Congressman Scott Murphy voted Thursday for a permanent extension of tax cuts that apply to every family’s first $250,000 of income. The tax cut passed the House of Representatives 234-188, and is expected to be filibustered by Republicans in the U.S. Senate. Republicans there want to extend the tax cuts to all incomes, while Democrats believe families with higher incomes then $250,000 should be taxed more to pay down the debt or stimulate the economy. Chris Gibson, who defeated Murphy in November and takes over the District 20 seat in January, is out of the country, and could not be reached about how he would have voted on the bill.
Slopes open this weekend
Windham Mountain starts their 50th anniversary season Saturday at 8 a.m., according to their Facebook page. "Last weekend’s snowmaking held up and Team Snow had the system charged up at midnight," the site says. Windham opens with two lifts, three trails, two boxes, and three rails this weekend. Hunter Mountain's website says "anticipated opening Sun. Dec. 5."
Audio from Hudson special school board meeting Monday
WGXC's Alan Skerrett and Joan Geitz attended the special Hudson board meeting Monday, and made an mp3 recording you can listen to by clicking here. Read several different accounts of the meeting here.
Dec. 3 birthdays include Octavia Hill, Jean-Luc Godard, and Bobby Allison.