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James wants NWS warnings in multiple languages
CBS News reports that New York's Attorney General Letitia James has taken on Donald Trump and Andrew Cuomo. Now she's taking on the National Weather Service. James wants weather warnings to be in more languages than just English and Spanish. James is doing it mostly because last September 18 New Yorkers died during the September storm caused by Hurricane Ida. Most of them were of Asian descent and had limited proficiency in English or Spanish. And throughout New York, there are pockets with many immigrants who speak a different language. Hudson, in Columbia County, for instance, has a large population that speaks Bengali. James sent a letter this week to the to U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo and Acting Director of the National Weather Service Mary C. Erickson calling for weather alerts from the National Weather Service to broadcast alerts in multiple languages. Read more about this story at CBS News.